Unleash Your Inner Linux Master: Gentoo Goes from the Top of the Tree to the Top of the Charts
Linux users know that there’s a certain level of pride that comes with using a more obscure or niche distribution. Whether you’re shameless Ubuntu user or have painstakingly hand-compiled your own system, there’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering your chosen distro. *
But now, one of the most exclusive distributions, Gentoo, is making a major shift that may leave purists shaking their heads. In a surprising announcement, Gentoo has revealed that it will be offering precompiled binary packages in addition to its source-only nature.
This development may cause some long-time users to fear the end of Gentoo’s dominance, but it could also lead to more people taking the plunge and trying out this powerhouse distribution. Gentoo has long been on our radar for a potential review in Jenny’s Daily Drivers OS, and although we may stick with source-only for our review, the temptation to just download the binaries will be strong.
In the meantime, we’re typing away on a machine running Manjaro, or as some may call it, “Arch-for-cowards”. This may not be the most hardcore distro out there, but it still holds its own in the Linux world. Check out a first-hand account of stepping into the world of Linux without training wheels.
* Have you used a magnifying glass to compile your own code? Sorry, but you’re just not cutting it.